AppBox 1.0 ist fertig!

    Die letzten Zeilen sind programmiert, die letzten Tests abgeschlossen: Die AppBox in der ersten offiziellen Version 1.0 ist fertig und einsatzreif. Zur dieser Version gehören: Die AppBox Hardware mit der AppBox Firmware vorinstallierte Apps, z.B. die...

Die Version 1.0 ist in Sicht

We are working hard to make it happen. Most of the features are working. The Industry App Box is currently under test. We have several devices connected and make also load tests. So far, we are very happy to meet all expectations and – of course – all...

Hallo Industrie 4.0

This website is dedicated to Industry 4.0 solutions. We envision a world where industrial processes are built with web technologies and driven by knowledge. The smart factory is not far away. Our contribution to Industry 4.0 are working enterprise solutions for small...
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