SIWIAT App-Store

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Alarm Events

Generates events in case of alarm conditions (lower limit, upper limit, hysteresis) and errors during measurement


Transfers machine and sensor data to a SAP-PM system


Transfer data to a MySQL database for archiving and analysis purposes

Big Screen

Show measurement values on a screen with different theme options

Custom App?

Do you need an app for a specific task?


Free Apps

Check if channel values are in a specified range. Ranges can be set per channel. If a value is out of range, an email is sent.
Display of important data without login to the system.

The LoggerJSON app enables access to the datalogger storage in JSON via REST-API.

This app provides CSV data downloads for channels and live values.
This app generates events in case of alarm conditions (lower limit, upper limit, hysteresis) and errors during measurement.
This app sends emails to user-defined email addresses when events occur.
Get measurement data in JSON via REST-API!
This app displays a channel value on a seven digit display in a web browser.

Easy to install

1. Download

2. Activate

3. Install on your App-Box


4. Done

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