from Ondics GmbH


This app allows to read values from a high speed digital counter module CREVIS ST-5112 module via serial interface
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App Details
Max. devices:16
Developer:Ondics GmbH, Germany
Licence:Ondics SIWIAT App EULA
App Notes
This app allows to count digital input signals using the field bus module CREVIS ST-5112.

The module provides 2 digital input channels and reads signals with a speed up to 100 kHz.

This app requires a field bus controller CREVIS NA-9173. The CREVIS ST-5112 is connected via RS-485 of the CREVIS NA-9173.
V 1.1.0: (Jul 2016)
Optimized counter overflow processing

V 1.0.0: (Jul 2016)
Initial Version



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