Email Alert

from Ondics GmbH

Email Alert

This app checks if channel values are in the specified range. Ranges can be set per channel. If a value is out of range, an email is sent.
App Details
Max. devices:10
Developer:Ondics GmbH, Germany
Licence:Ondics SIWIAT App EULA
App Notes
The app "Email Alert" allows to monitor channels of the Lufft I-BOX. For each channel upper and lower limits can be set. Each time a measured value exceeds a range, an alert is generated and an email is sent to each email-address specified.

This app is a software product and can be installed on a single Lufft I-BOX. This app has to be activated befor installation with the AppKey and the serial number of the Lufft I-BOX.
V 1.1.0: (Mar 2015)
The log now also lists the caption of the triggering device.

V 1.0.0: (Mar 2015)
initial version



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